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gandalf700 Von-Dutch


Clan Leader: Maricon

comming soon.

contact me (link broken, in repair)

Assist. Leader: Catch22

All i got to say is that iam here for the clan. If there is anyway i can help i will do all that i can to solve any problem that may happen. Someday i hope that we will rise to be one of the major power on the ares server.

my goals for the clan:
1. first of all to become a grade 4 clan
2. to grow as a unit and not as an individual
3. Have fun playing to GAME
4. and of curse to ware a CAPE

Contact Me

  Assist. Leader: theGoat


comming soon

contact me (link broken, in repair)

Assist. Leader: MariconsGirl

comming soon

contact me (link broken, in repair)

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